A picture is worth a thousand words: Why good images matter

Never underestimate the power of images on your website.

Now…as a DJ I’ve been guilty at some point or another of posting a picture of my disco equipment on the internet. Luckily I’m not alone.

Disco equipment is UGLY. Mostly, but not always.

Disco equipment is the equivalent of the actual burger you get from the McDonald’s drive-thru.

It’s not the gorgeous, plump, perfectly aligned Big Mac with a full large packet of crispy, hot, salted fries.

It’s the bag of crap you get thrown at you through the window by the uncaring teenager on minimum wage who’s p***ed because they want to be out on a Saturday night getting lashed with their mates.

Don’t be that person!

Every weekend without fail, my Facebook is littered with images of DJ rigs and they only satisfy one purpose, to excite other DJs.

And it’s the same with websites, Gary & Jess, looking to book their wedding don’t care about your equipment.

They don’t want to see a list of what you use. They don’t care if it’s an FBT X-Lite, a Bose L1 Pro8, a Pioneer controller or a Denon Prime 4.

What they actually care about is do you know your s**t? Do you know how to make people dance?

How do you want them to feel?

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Think about how you want that website visitor to feel when they are looking for a DJ.

They want to see images of people’s faces, smiles, happiness and dancing.

You want them to look at that image and say “Yeah man! I want a party like that, I want to feel like that person right there.”

It’s the same with social media…endless pictures of perfectly set up discos and not a single soul on the dance floor.

Generally, you only ever see pictures at the start of the night and never during the sweaty rave-up at about 10:30 pm when Aunt Gladys has just ploughed into one of your speakers because she was trying to do the caterpillar.

But my equipment is beautiful!

Look, every parent has looked at their own child and thinks that he or she is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Beauty is subjective.

You may have a gorgeous DJ booth, beautifully lit totems, fantastic moving heads and uplighting, no wires on display and that’s all great but people don’t care.

A stunning picture of your equipment in a barn or marquee or whatever proves just one thing…the equipment looks nice.

They want to know that you’re going to smash their party out of the park so they want to see pictures and videos of you doing just that.


Here are a few tips you can use to capture attention:

  • Choose images that are relevant to your brand and message.
  • Use high-quality images that are sharp and clear. If you honestly cannot take a good photo, schmooze someone who can!
  • Optimise your images for the web to ensure they load quickly.
  • Use images to strategically break up text and create a more visually appealing layout.

Remember, the right image can make all the difference in how your website is perceived and how well it performs so don’t skimp on impactful visuals. Invest the time and resources to find the right images that will help your website stand out and make a lasting impression on your audience.